/ About us

About us

Founded in September 1990, our clinic started to operate under the leadership of Dr László Zsoldos at its recent place, but on a smaller territory. Our recent operational characteristics established by ca 1995: the ratio between own patients and those sent from other vets are 2/3-1/3. This “patient-sender” system works well: after establishing a diagnosis or performing a surgery, we send patients back to the vet who originally sent them, with a report and recommendations for further treatment. Nowadays, we perform more than 3-4 thousand minor and major surgeries per year and besides, we are treating thousands of patients. Seven vets, including specialists of different fields, are working at our clinic recently either part-time or full-time.


Our impressive auxiliary staff, consisting of 4 nursing and 3 surgical assistants, together with the cleaning staff allow us to fully focus on the ill pets.

The wide possibilities for performing services like X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, endoscopy, ECG and other laboratory analyses together with the expertise of 15 pet-lovers enable our clinic to operate on the highest niveau.

In 2008, our laboratory was renewed and partly automatized. We installed new automatic equipments performing blood and modern biochemical analyses.

In 2011, we installed a new digital X-ray device. This allows us faster and more precise radiological diagnoses, additionally eases to archive, store and forward digital photographs.

In 2011, safety in anaesthesia was improved thank to a new high-performance anaesthesiological monitoring equipment. Afterwards, a second one, identical to the first, was bought in 2011.

In 2012, we started arthroscopic surgeries, which allows us to perform a wider variety of minimally invasive surgical procedures.

In 2012, we installed an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) equipment. It allows us to examine patients exhibiting vertebral column or brain abnormalities, tumours etc. Please consult our description.

Hospital rooms are available for ill pets requiring intensive or long-term treatments. In the spring of 2012, our clinic was extended with a new room for patients with infectious diseases. We are at service for patients on all days of the week: 14 hours on weekdays, 13 on Saturday and 11 on Sunday.

A pharmacy for pets and a pet-shop are available next to our clinic; hence a shop selling goods related to caring and nutrition of pets also operates during our opening hours. Though it is situated in a separate building, it can be reached through our clinic.

Please ask for an appointment!
Our clinic is open on weekdays between 8 am and 8 pm, emergency duty is on weekdays between 8 pm and 10 pm, on Saturday between 9 am and 10 pm and on Sunday between 9 am and 8 pm.
Please ask for an appointment by phone or in e-mail for ultrasound examination, for neurologic consultancy or for MRI and CT examination.
+36 1 306 1364
Veterinary services
Senior Care
Kisállat MRI
Treatment of exotic animals
Our clinic on the map
Állatorvos Budapest
Primavet Rendelő Kft. - All rights reserved
1152. Budapest, Rákos út 60.
Telephone: (1) 306 1364
Új Széchenyi terv